
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Garlic Cheese bread loaded with Goodness

Who doesn't love butter? I myself, am an utterly butterly girl 😉. However I try to curtail my craving as it's not that I require loads of butter and neither should I eat it everyday. 🙈 Well with me butter is synonymous with nothing else than Amul. Aghhhhhh the salted butter, I think it's perfection❤️. 
So when I saw the newly launched Amul garlic and herb butter in the supermarket, I had to have it, no two ways about it. 
Picked up the little yum packet and returned home. I had to devour it and couldn't wait. 

In my hurry I forgot to carry a loaf of bread or a baguette, now all I had at home was the normal white bread slices. 
Not the one to easily accept defeat and neither to settle for something plain Jane.
This is what I whipped up. 

Garlic cheese bread loaded with veggies. 


Amul Garlic and Herb butter 
Cheese cubes - I used Brittania 
White bread slices I made do with them, you can use a fresh loaf of bread of your choice. 
Tomatoes finely sliced
Garlic finely cut 
Onion finely chopped 
Chilly flakes 
Salt and pepper 
Sweet corn 
Capsicum finely chopped
Any other other vegetable or herbs of your choice
You can use green chillies, olives etc 


Butter the sliced bread on both the sides
Take a pan and keep it in low heat.
Put your sliced buttered bread in the pan
Arrange the capsicum, tomatoes, onion, corn, and all the vegetables as well as garlic. Depending on how many veggies you want over it. 
Shread cheese over it. 
Sprinkle the herbs and salt, chilly flakes over it according to your taste 
Now cover the pan with the lid and let the bread get toasted and the veggies cooked a little.
After about 5 minutes check the dish. 
You can toast the bread according to your taste and crispiness. 
Your Garlic cheese Bread is all ready to devour ,, at my place hubby and me devoured them all at one go in a jiffy. 
He loved the simple preparation. 
The Amul butter is infused with garlic and herbs and with every bite you get that creamy garlic taste, which is bang on. 
I recommend you try it as soon as possible. 

One can also make this recipe in oven or microwave. 

P.S - Those of you who do not have garlic butter, you can still go ahead with the recipe with normal butter.
If you want that extra garlic kick, you can always apply a thin layer of garlic paste to one side of the slice, and toast the bread on both the sides and then go ahead with the same recipe. 

Enjoy your Garlic bread, I am going ahead and making some more for friends. 


Nature's Basket