
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

She Blogs Banters with me

Its been a while i wrote to you guys, sorry i was busy enjoying on a vacation. Well I am not sorry for enjoying ;p.. Will tell you all about my vacation in a different post.

This one I am specifically writing for She blog



Now isn't this tagline catchy.

Smart Indian Women” is the identity of every woman who is strong, independent and who completes the world with a single smile. The idea behind establishing this website is to give a platform to all the beautiful women out there who wish to show the world, how different and how creative they are. Successful homemakers and amazing entrepreneurs who can set a trend with their art and creativity can find a great way to share their talent with the world. You create the idea and we give you a chance to share it with other creative ladies out there. From writing to sharing handicraft ideas, beauty secrets and a lot more is available on our website.

A platform for all women to showcase their creativity and talent. A place to interact with like minded people as well as women with myriad range of talents.
It sure is very interesting and helpful.

They recently interviewed me and guess what, obviously i wanted to share that with you guys. 

Bhakti Smart Indian Women

Thanks for taking the time to chat with SIW. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog.     
Bhakti : I am a creative soul and wanderer by heart. I am a believer. I see art in all aspects of life. I believe Life is a beautiful adventure and one has to live it and cherish it and not just exist. I want to make my adventure as memorable as possible as its one life that we get and so much beauty , wonder and goodness around, I want to take in all that I can and more. I love nature and outdoors, fresh air, gurgling stream, mountain, waves always excite me. Traveling far and wide and witnessing and unraveling the beauty is what I live for. A family person by heart, I cannot live without my loved ones. Neither can I live without my hobbies, being reading, writing, making journals, photography, painting, poetry.
Travelling is my passion.
What makes your blog so unique and why should people read it?          
Bhakti : My blog isn’t a guidebook or tutorials, it’s basically snippets from my life along with things I believe in. It’s an amalgamation of everything what life offers, the goodness of it all with a pinch of salt. my travelogues, small things, happiness, casual fashion, diy, simple style, pieces of poetry, sketches, things that I do and don’t and many other things make the material for my blog. It’s the little things on day to day basis, it’s like listening to a friend or reading a journal and who doesn’t like some snippets on daily life with friends. The writing is very light and short. it’s like talking to the girl next door with your daily cup of tea.
How often do you blog?              
Bhakti : I blog like 6 times a Month, give or take. I try to be consistent in my blogging but yes sometimes life does catch in and I do go small hiatus. Then there is a writers block, where in I just need a break.
Blogging is a methodical creative aspect which certainly requires lot of time, energy and efficiency.
What has been your most successful blog post to date and what was it about?
Bhakti : My most successful blog post has been about – a very lengthy and full-fledged post on sarees in India and different ways to wear them. It was followed closely by other fashion and travelogues.
What do you find most challenging about blogging?     
Bhakti : Not getting in a rut. Blogging is all about reinventing your thoughts which shows in your writing. Not getting intimidated by fellow bloggers and keeping it original.
What are some of your favorite author blogs and why?
Bhakti : Kelsey Bang for her simple style and writing.
Bows and Sequins for the instant pop of bling
Bruised Passports completely boho gypsy at heart
What I wore again for simplicity
ForestFeast  for the touch of nature.
What are your favorite books that you would recommend SIW family?
Bhakti : Twilight series for the dose of romance and magic
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
Can we really make a living by Blogging? If yes, how we can do that?
Bhakti : I blog because I like to write and document small things I want to say. However I have realized that Blogging is definitely a big platform to make money but for that one needs to be consistent in writing. The matter, your style has to be original. The readers understand the difference. One can have a niche blog related to one aspect and then if the blog is really good with powerful content and good reader base the offers will come for advertisements, for product reviews , sponsored posts, the options are unlimited.
What advice would you give to young women readers of SIW who want to follow a similar career path as you?               
Bhakti : Stay consistent, have patience, nothing happens overnight. Be original and connect to your readers rest all will follow.
Blog URL :
Direct link to the interview here 

Till we meet again.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Fake it or Shake it...

I don't understand those who keep complaining and cribbing about people and then mingling with the same with such gusto and enthusiasm as if they are best of friends.
I do not say one should go name calling and be rude to people if you do not like them. 
In every person there are qualities that you don't like, which you need to live with and compromise if you like the person.
But to completely dislike a person and fake a relationship(shrugs).... 
Guess, I am someone, who calls a spade a spade. If I dislike someone really bad and can't get along with that person, I will just maintain my distance and be cordial. I can neither have fake friends nor fake relationships, I can't be two faced at any cost. 
I feel life is too special and important and short to live in such negativity. I like to surround myself with people I like and who like me. 

Something I wore for a event launch - 

Dress - Globus 
You can buy a similar black dress here 
Necklace - Globus similar here 
Clutch - Globus here 
Shoes - Catwalk similar   here 
